Saturday, January 9, 2010


Cart Surfer
I love Cart Surfer. It's still my favorite game for earning coins quickly. The nice thing is that there's just two tricks you need to know and you can just repeat them over and over again and very quickly earn coins. The other nice thing is that the game is over pretty quickly, usually in just about a minute and a half or less. So you can just keep playing it until you can't take it anymore! So, if you want to earn 1,000 coins in five minutes on Cart Surfer, here's all you need to know: use the backflip move (press the down arrow and then the space bar) and the jump and spin move (press the space bar and then either the left or right arrow). And alternate between them constantly to get the maximum points. As long as you keep switching between the two moves, you'll get 100 points for the backflip and 80 points for the jump and spin each time. That adds up to some serious points and coins.

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